Monday, March 28, 2011

AL- Kisah balik Dari SSM

Tanggal 17hb 3 2011.....
Pelajar AC220 part 6 berangkat seawal pagi  ke KL nak g Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur... dah la lambat sampai nasib baiklah bus x gerak lagi .... duduk plak kat blakang driver dengan ija....erm.....berborak sakan dengan pakcik yang bawak bus tu..sume citer ada...
Dalam pkul  9.30 sampaila kat Mahkamah yang dinanti2.... so beautiful first time memang xcited sgt... Lepastu dengar taklimat dari orang atasan mahkamah.....Next kterorg berpecah 3 group....Ni gambar group 1 ada kak aiza, yanti, dayah, fad, jana, ija, najibah, hassan, tirah, suzy, diela, wani, quiyah and alieya

Ni Belum Lagi sampai citer pasal balik dari SSM....
Puasla berjalan kat mahkamah pastu kterorgnyer group tunggu setengah jam kat pintu masuk Mahkamah rupenyer yang lain dah kenyang makan tengahhari....tapi xper banyak gak hasil photoshoot salah satunyer...
Pastu gerak g Alam Sentral tingkat 3 Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia kat Shah Alam.dapat makan free kuih koci n karip ngan air kotak....

lepastu dah siap2 nak balik tunggu pakcik bus lama plak.....
Tak sume balik UiTM balik, ada yang terus balik umah macam saya....
Ni baru nak citer AL-KISAH nyer
Suruh pakcik bus berenti kat masjid lama Greenwood tapi cakap kat kat ayah masjid baru....
Sampai2 dah pkul 7 lebih....Siti ajak g solat n lepak kat masjid sebab sunyi sangat kat bustop....
siap solat ayah kol dah sampai kat pintu depan tapi xda pun kereta WTA tu...pelikkan....
RuPa- Rupanya ayah kat masjid lain Su kat masjid lain aper lagi gelabahla....
cari alamat masjid xda plak yang ada tulis Adun Gombak Setia...
Lama gak tunggu x sampai2 .... x senang duduk Telepon plak habis bateri and kredit xda....nak menagis pun yer....tapi cool lagi....nasib baik dah cakap nama masjid.....
tanyala kat sorang budak india ni dia kata tempat tu kat Sri  Gombak ish geram betul ruper nyer Su kene tipu erm.......Last2 tanya kat pakcik Indon tu baru la tau  upernyer tempat tu xda kene mengena ngan Gombak Setia.....sampai hati betul budak tu...Siti dah balik lama dah....aduh bler nak balik nie. .Akhirnya, sejam lebih menunggu nampak la satu kete masuk dalam masjid....akhirnya sampai gak ayahku....nasib baik jumpa... rupernyer ayah tanya kat balai polis senang citer...sampai pening kejap kat gombak setia kejap kat Greenwood tah paper tah....yang penting sampai umah gak akhirnya...

Monday, March 14, 2011

How to make my Presentation more Presentable and eye-catching

Think about the presentation beforehand. Make the research to find a good information that can make a good output. Think about how to deliver the information. Set the time to present so that the time is not too long or too short and be sure that all information can be deliver.

It is the important thing that make my presentation presentable. Both presenter and audience should understand the all the input that the presenter want to deliver. To presenter it is easier to answer the question from the audience.... the explanation is more understand and the example given is easy to understand... If the audience is understand clearly what the presenter say thats mean the it is a good presentation....

Use PowerPoint as a tool.....
Power point is only helping tool to make sure your presentation is more interesting. Focus on the key point not read the slide. On the slide just list the key point that you can make a elaboration. Use the animation that can attract audience to focus on your presentation.

This is very important. Eye contact is a good factor can attract the audience. Eye contact is a very tricky art to master but vital to effective communication. We can understand the audience by see the act of them whether they are understand or or not in the information. I noticed when I broke eye contact the person would stop speaking. When I maintained eye contact the person would continue talking knowing that I was interested in what they had to say.