Monday, February 21, 2011

PBL Second Session

Today our group start to discuss about PBL 2nd session ......
this session more about softwarein the event 2. There are step involve in procurement of software package, purchasing the software
In event 3 is about context Data Flow Diagram...
I hope we can complete it better than Session 1.amin.......
Tadi dah baca soalan, there are a few question yang saya tak berapa faham.....
Tapi takpe nant blh bincang ngan Group member and our beloved lecturer En Azmi.

Tadi group ain dah present question 3, encik pun dah explain how to answer the question. legalah sikit. Bagusla dorang dapat explain  baru session 1 dalam baper minit jer dah dapat answer.

Lets begin our meeting........

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